søndag 7. juni 2009

Four O'Clock

Four o'clock in the morning is a fine time of the day, one of the best even, when I think about it more closely.
Everything seems clear, lucid, the universe sort of 'opens up' to you. It's not that you instantly understand evereything, not that every little mystery reveals itself to you. No, nothing like it. In fact you get this immense feeling that there are no 'answers', that what is perceived as 'mysteries' is in fact just mere states of the existence of things.
Alternatively one can go with the notion that if there are in fact any 'answers', there are somebody, somewhere, working very hard on hiding them from us. To work this hard on something one really have to enjoy the trouble, and who am I to relieve them from these joys by just going on and finding the answer?
So one ends up scribbling down little thoughts like this, nothing much, not of substance at least, but maybe just of a little bit of relevance, that would be nice.