torsdag 19. november 2009


I've just started a new school of thought, it's called accidentialism. It's based upon the theory that everything that has happened, and everything that is going to happen, was/is an accident. Nothing that is the way it it is to-day were supposed to be the way it is. It's all just a big accident. Not necessarily a bad accident, or a good one, just an accident. 'This' is not how 'it' was supposed to turn out.
So what to do? How will this line of thought give us any of this fabled 'meaning' we're so often told about? I don't know. As mentioned, accidentialism, or accidents, isn't necessarily a bad thing, I don't think we can really ever know wether it is of the good or the bad. Given a 50% chance that it's bad, and we decide to work on it, with a prognosis that the new outcome will have a 50% probability to turn out good, we have exactly nothing to gain from trying to do anything. And time spent doing nothing, unless it's actually fun, in which case it isn't 'nothing', its actually 'fun', is not time well spent, and would be better spent doing something different, like dancing, which is fun.
I'm afraid that this is boiling down to that there isn't anything to be gained from following this new school of thought of mine, the thoughts are not worth the time and efforts thinking them.
This all means therefore that I managed to create and end a complete ideology in just a matter of minutes.
Was it worth it? I don't know.

søndag 7. juni 2009

Four O'Clock

Four o'clock in the morning is a fine time of the day, one of the best even, when I think about it more closely.
Everything seems clear, lucid, the universe sort of 'opens up' to you. It's not that you instantly understand evereything, not that every little mystery reveals itself to you. No, nothing like it. In fact you get this immense feeling that there are no 'answers', that what is perceived as 'mysteries' is in fact just mere states of the existence of things.
Alternatively one can go with the notion that if there are in fact any 'answers', there are somebody, somewhere, working very hard on hiding them from us. To work this hard on something one really have to enjoy the trouble, and who am I to relieve them from these joys by just going on and finding the answer?
So one ends up scribbling down little thoughts like this, nothing much, not of substance at least, but maybe just of a little bit of relevance, that would be nice.

søndag 24. mai 2009

9th annual Towel Day

To-day is a special day. 
It is a day of joy, and a day of sorrow. It is a day of adventure, and a day to return to those places so very familiar. It is in fact the 25th of May, so grab your favorite towel and keep it close, to celebrate this wonderful man and his works!